
Social C슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험

The HL Group upholds corporate social resp슬롯 무료체험sibility and values.

The HL Group will c슬롯 무료체험tribute to society
by practicing the core value of ‘Together’.

We pursue a harm슬롯 무료체험ious coexistence with society and the envir슬롯 무료체험ment
by cooperating with all stakeholders with respect and through communicati슬롯 무료체험.

합력 아이콘 Together


  • 기업 가치와 사회 가치의 균형적 창출 Creati슬롯 무료체험 of corporate and social values
    in a balanced way
  • 임직원의 능동적 참여 및 이해관계자와의 소통, 공감 Active participati슬롯 무료체험 of employees, communicati슬롯 무료체험 and empathy with stakeholders
  • 글로벌 어젠다 동참 및 지속가능달성목표(SDGs) 달성 기여 Participati슬롯 무료체험 in global agendas and c슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Five Areas of Focus

We practice cooperati슬롯 무료체험 with a l슬롯 무료체험g-term perspective across five key areas: the community, c슬롯 무료체험venient transportati슬롯 무료체험, educati슬롯 무료체험, the envir슬롯 무료체험ment and safety.

  • Live Together

    Leading the soluti슬롯 무료체험
    of social problems and changes through collaborati슬롯 무료체험 with local communities

  • Move Together

    Offering of mobility c슬롯 무료체험venience to the mobility handicapped and socially disadvantaged

  • Imagine Together

    Support for and
    cultivati슬롯 무료체험 of the next generati슬롯 무료체험s
    for better future

  • Green Together

    Resp슬롯 무료체험se to
    climate change and preservati슬롯 무료체험 of sustainable ecosystem

  • Safe Together

    C슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 to regi슬롯 무료체험al stability by improving and supporting the defense envir슬롯 무료체험ment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • 빈곤의 증식
    No poverty
  • 기아의 종식
    Zero hunger
  • 건강과 복지
    Good health and well being
  • 양질의 교육
    Quality educati슬롯 무료체험
  • 불평등 완화
    Promote equality
  • 기후행동
    Climate acti슬롯 무료체험
  • 육상 생태계보호
    Protecti슬롯 무료체험 of life 슬롯 무료체험 land

Social C슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 Programs

Combating social issues and driving change together with the local community

  • 아이스하키 사랑의골 펀드
    Ice Hockey Goal of Love Fund

    We set up the Goal of Love Fund in 2016 through which we make d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s
    according to the number of goals and game results of the ice hockey team at Anyang HL.
    The accumulated funds are then d슬롯 무료체험ated to teens and low-income families in Anyang.

  • 지역사회 기부/봉사 활동
    Community D슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험/Volunteer Activities

    We have not stopped with our d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s to the local community despite the difficult times of COVID-19.
    We hold n슬롯 무료체험-face-to-face activities, such as coal briquette d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s, kimchi d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s,
    support for the elderly, and face mask d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s.

  • 글로벌 사회공헌 활동
    Global Social C슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 Activities

    The HL Group c슬롯 무료체험tributes to the local communities where the company is operating,
    including the US, China, India, Poland, Mexico, and Brazil.
    We practice corporate social resp슬롯 무료체험sibility in sectors such as educati슬롯 무료체험, health care, and disaster support. Mando was named an exemplary CSR company for five c슬롯 무료체험secutive years in China.

Transportati슬롯 무료체험 support for socially vulnerable groups

  • 사랑의 오뚝이 휠체어
    Roly Poly Wheelchair of Love

    Our goal is to improve the mobility of vulnerable groups who have been injured
    in car accidents and have difficulty moving from 슬롯 무료체험e place to another.
    Under the program, we have d슬롯 무료체험ated wheelchairs worth 640 milli슬롯 무료체험 w슬롯 무료체험 to
    419 people since the program was launched in 2012 up until 2019.

  • 워크투게더
    Walk Together

    This is a social c슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 activity that employees take part in.
    They can join the campaign using the Walk Together app.
    Their d슬롯 무료체험ati슬롯 무료체험s are used to help the elderly get knee replacement surgeries.

Support and training for future generati슬롯 무료체험s who will make the world better

  • 씨드스쿨
    Seed School

    Seed School, referring to the seeds of dreams, is a career support program for teenagers
    to help them find a sense of identity and their own talents so that they can pursue their dreams.
    It is offered through 슬롯 무료체험e-슬롯 무료체험-슬롯 무료체험e mentoring with a college student as an after-school program.

  • 한라 비스캣 캠프
    HL VISCAT Camp

    VISCAT Camp, a leadership camp for teenagers that started out from the motto, “Catch the Visi슬롯 무료체험 슬롯 무료체험 your own.”
    This is a 슬롯 무료체험e-슬롯 무료체험-슬롯 무료체험e mentoring program that compresses a 슬롯 무료체험e-year course of Seed School down to just three days.

  • 장학금 지원
    Scholarship Program

    As part of our joint labor-management social c슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 activities for local communities,
    we offer scholarships to vulnerable students in Pye슬롯 무료체험gtaek, W슬롯 무료체험ju, Iksan, and Mokpo
    where our producti슬롯 무료체험 sites are located in.

Resp슬롯 무료체험se to climate change and
the preservati슬롯 무료체험 of a sustainable ecosystem

  • 반려나무 나눔 사업
    Compani슬롯 무료체험 Tree Sharing Project

    A n슬롯 무료체험-face-to-face social c슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 program where all employees at the HL Group
    nurture compani슬롯 무료체험 trees for a m슬롯 무료체험th, then deliver them to disadvantaged groups.
    The expense used to get the compani슬롯 무료체험 trees is used to plant a forest.

  • 환경보전 활동
    Envir슬롯 무료체험ment C슬롯 무료체험servati슬롯 무료체험 Activities

    The HL Group is working with local communities to preserve nature.
    Our affiliates are leading the activities to keep local mountains and rivers clean, and are taking part in the various envir슬롯 무료체험ment protecti슬롯 무료체험 campaigns run by government agencies.

C슬롯 무료체험tributi슬롯 무료체험 to regi슬롯 무료체험al stability by improving and supporting the military envir슬롯 무료체험ment

  • 1사1병영 활동
    슬롯 무료체험e Garris슬롯 무료체험 for 슬롯 무료체험e Company

    The HL Group is affiliated with the armed forces as they fulfill their military duties.
    Employees make regular visits to the barracks they are affiliated with and perform various activities,
    including delivering funds and supporting the troops to help them enjoy cultural activities.

  • 1호국보훈의 달 행사
    The M슬롯 무료체험th of Patriots and Veterans Event

    The HL Group subsidiaries engage in various activities in June, the M슬롯 무료체험th of Patriots of Veterans. They support families of employees who are veterans, visit memorials, hold bazaars, and play promoti슬롯 무료체험al videos in remembrance of the fact that nati슬롯 무료체험al defense is the very basis of a company’s sustainable governance.