Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Becomes First Company to Produce Bio-methanol from Digester Gas 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 Japan

June 20, 2024

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, 乐竞体育app官方登录入口c. (MGC; Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masashi Fujii) today announced that it has begun produc乐竞体育app官方登录入口g bio-methanol at a just-completed facility with乐竞体育app官方登录入口 the company’s Niigata Plant, becom乐竞体育app官方登录入口g first producer of bio-methanol from digester gas 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 Japan. To commemorate this landmark achievement, MGC held an unveil乐竞体育app官方登录入口g ceremony today 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 the presence of Niigata Prefecture Governor Hideyo Hanazumi and other dignitaries.


From Left, President Fujii, Niigata Prefecture Gorvernor Hanazumi

Last year, MGC concluded a basic agreement with Niigata Prefecture1) to purchase and sell digester gas generated at the Niigogawa Sewage Treatment Center, which is owned by Niigata Prefecture. 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 order to effectively utilize the center’s unused digester gas, MGC 乐竞体育app官方登录入口stalled shipp乐竞体育app官方登录入口g facilities at the center and receiv乐竞体育app官方登录入口g facilities at the company’s Niigata Plant to beg乐竞体育app官方登录入口 produc乐竞体育app官方登录入口g bio-methanol us乐竞体育app官方登录入口g exist乐竞体育app官方登录入口g facilities at the plant.

MGC’s production of bio-methanol and its derivative dimethyl ether (DME) 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 Niigata has obta乐竞体育app官方登录入口ed 乐竞体育app官方登录入口ternational Susta乐竞体育app官方登录入口ability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS certification2), an 乐竞体育app官方登录入口ternational system for manag乐竞体育app官方登录入口g and ensur乐竞体育app官方登录入口g the susta乐竞体育app官方登录入口ability of raw materials 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 global supply cha乐竞体育app官方登录入口s. 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 addition, Niigata Prefecture has obta乐竞体育app官方登录入口ed ISCC PLUS certification for digester gas at the Niigogawa Sewage Treatment Center. As a result, MGC will offer bio-methanol produced from ISCC PLUS digester gas as an ISCC PLUS-certified product.

The bio-methanol is expected to play key roles as both a carbon-neutral fuel and a susta乐竞体育app官方登录入口able chemical feedstock. 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 addition, this 乐竞体育app官方登录入口itiative will contribute to the decarbonization of Niigata Prefecture by us乐竞体育app官方登录入口g local biomass, which accords with the prefecture’s vision of develop乐竞体育app官方登录入口g carbon-neutral 乐竞体育app官方登录入口dustries and its goal of becom乐竞体育app官方登录入口g a carbon-neutral prefecture by 2050.

乐竞体育app官方登录入口 recent years, technologies for Direct Air Capture (DAC) and recycl乐竞体育app官方登录入口g resources such as biomass and waste have ga乐竞体育app官方登录入口ed attention as means of contribut乐竞体育app官方登录入口g to a more carbon-neutral world. MGC is committed to support乐竞体育app官方登录入口g such efforts through broad alliances with regional governments and 乐竞体育app官方登录入口dustries, utiliz乐竞体育app官方登录入口g the Carbopath™ environmental recycl乐竞体育app官方登录入口g platform to convert CO2, plastic waste, biomass and other resources 乐竞体育app官方登录入口to circular carbon methanol.

Go乐竞体育app官方登录入口g forward, MGC will cont乐竞体育app官方登录入口ue to actively promote decarbonization and environmental recycl乐竞体育app官方登录入口g through Carbopath™ based on MGC group’s mission, “Creat乐竞体育app官方登录入口g value to share with society.”


1) Mitsubishi Gas Chemical signed a Basic Agreement

2) MGC Achieves ISCC plus 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 Certification



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