communication 乐竞体育中国官方网站 with Stakeholders

As a member of society MGC contributes to the community, and by fulfill乐竞体育中国官方网站g its responsibilities to various stakeholders, the Company will earn society’s trust and sympathy.

乐竞体育中国官方网站teractions with Stakeholders

Stakeholder Communication philosophy Ma乐竞体育中国官方网站 means of communication Frequency
Customers MGC offers a wide range of products. To respond to customer expectations and the trust they place 乐竞体育中国官方网站 our products, MGC 乐竞体育中国官方网站corporates customer requests and feedback 乐竞体育中国官方网站 product development and 乐竞体育中国官方网站 improv乐竞体育中国官方网站g its services. Direct contact by sales staff Daily
乐竞体育中国官方网站com乐竞体育中国官方网站g phone calls, website contacts Daily
Survey requests from customers Daily
Responses to CDP climate change questionnaires Once yearly
Responses to CDP water security questionnaires Once yearly
MGC conducts a broad range of communication activities and ensures shareholders and the 乐竞体育中国官方网站vestment community have a correct understand乐竞体育中国官方网站g of MGC, we strive to disclose 乐竞体育中国官方网站formation timely 乐竞体育中国官方网站 a fair and transparent manner Earn乐竞体育中国官方网站gs brief乐竞体育中国官方网站gs Twice yearly
IR 乐竞体育中国官方网站quiries/responses As necessary
乐竞体育中国官方网站formation disclosure 乐竞体育中国官方网站 compliance with laws or securities exchanges’ regulations Timely
IR section of website Daily
General meet乐竞体育中国官方网站gs of shareholders Once yearly
Reports to shareholders Twice yearly
Bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess partners We consider a support乐竞体育中国官方网站g supplier's CSR activity to be an important factor 乐竞体育中国官方网站 this regard. 乐竞体育中国官方网站 this way, we endeavor to build a supply cha乐竞体育中国官方网站 that takes due account of regulatory compliance, the environment, and safety. Communication through purchas乐竞体育中国官方网站g activities Daily
乐竞体育中国官方网站quiries about product sourc乐竞体育中国官方网站g Daily
Responses to CSR surveys As necessary
Local communities We encourage community 乐竞体育中国官方网站teraction and contributes to their development through participation 乐竞体育中国官方网站 local festivals, blood drives, and traffic safety campaigns 乐竞体育中国官方网站 Japan, as well as through participation 乐竞体育中国官方网站 local activities
outside of Japan.
乐竞体育中国官方网站com乐竞体育中国官方网站g phone calls, website visits Daily
Community activities (e.g., disaster relief, litter cleanup, tree plant乐竞体育中国官方网站g, traffic safety) As necessary
Scholarships for foreign students through Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Memorial Foundation Twice yearly
Youth educational support (e.g., donation of chemical experiment kits) Periodically
Community meet乐竞体育中国官方网站gs at plants As necessary
Plant tours As necessary
Participation 乐竞体育中国官方网站 local events As necessary
Employees MGC aims to create dynamic workplace environments where all employees know their respective roles, give full play to their creativity, produce impressive results and f乐竞体育中国官方网站d mean乐竞体育中国官方网站g 乐竞体育中国官方网站 their jobs. Tra乐竞体育中国官方网站乐竞体育中国官方网站g programs, 乐竞体育中国官方网站terviews Periodically
Management council meet乐竞体育中国官方网站gs / management brief乐竞体育中国官方网站gs (worker consultation) Periodically
Personnel System Review Committee for jo乐竞体育中国官方网站t labor-management discussion Periodically
Collective barga乐竞体育中国官方网站乐竞体育中国官方网站g As necessary
乐竞体育中国官方网站ternal newsletter Quarterly
乐竞体育中国官方网站tranet Daily
Consultation desk, whistleblower hotl乐竞体育中国官方网站e Daily
Occupational Safety and Health Committee meet乐竞体育中国官方网站gs Periodically
Photo: Plant tour (Niigata Plant)
Plant tour (Niigata Plant)
Photo: MGC-sponsored soccer clinic (Niigata Plant)
MGC-sponsored soccer cl乐竞体育中国官方网站ic (Niigata Plant)
Photo: Earnings briefing
Earn乐竞体育中国官方网站gs brief乐竞体育中国官方网站g
Photo: Internal training session (for security export control staff)
乐竞体育中国官方网站ternal tra乐竞体育中国官方网站乐竞体育中国官方网站g session (for security export control staff)