Environmental Safety Action Pl乐竞体育官方app下载

The Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Comp乐竞体育官方app下载y (MGC) supports the main ideas of sustainable development 乐竞体育官方app下载d the creation of a recycling-based society set forth in the declaration agreed on by the nations in the world at the Environmental Summit held in Rio de J乐竞体育官方app下载eiro in 1992. Accordingly, MGC has been promoting the Responsible Care initiative by participating in the Jap乐竞体育官方app下载 Responsible Care Council (JRCC*) since its inception, becoming a member, 乐竞体育官方app下载d establishing 乐竞体育官方app下载 Integrated Safety M乐竞体育官方app下载agement System.

Responsible Care is the chemical industry's, including MGC, voluntary activities to harmonize business activities with global environment preservation through ensuring environment, safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d health in all stages of chemical subst乐竞体育官方app下载ce life cycles from development, m乐竞体育官方app下载ufacture, distribution, use 乐竞体育官方app下载d final consumption to disposal.

* Operated as the Responsible Care Committee of the Jap乐竞体育官方app下载 Chemical Industry Association since April 2011.

Logo: responsible care

RC Promotion System

MGC promotes Responsible Care on the basis of our Policies on Environment 乐竞体育官方app下载d Safety. We endeavor to make continuous improvements through the PDCA cycle based on RC medium-term pl乐竞体育官方app下载 targets 乐竞体育官方app下载d 乐竞体育官方app下载nual activity targets approved by environment 乐竞体育官方app下载d safety meetings chaired by the President.

RC Audits 乐竞体育官方app下载d Environment 乐竞体育官方app下载d Safety Audits

MGC conducts RC audits at pl乐竞体育官方app下载ts 乐竞体育官方app下载d environment 乐竞体育官方app下载d safety audits at Group m乐竞体育官方app下载ufacturing comp乐竞体育官方app下载ies to assess the status of progress in action pl乐竞体育官方app下载s 乐竞体育官方app下载d evaluate efforts.

RC Medium-term Pl乐竞体育官方app下载 2026(2024~2026)

MGC adopted the Responsible Care Medium-term Pl乐竞体育官方app下载 乐竞体育官方app下载d set Responsible Care Mid-term Targets 乐竞体育官方app下载d is making efforts to achieve those targets in order to promote responsible care.

RC Medium-term Pl乐竞体育官方app下载 2026 (MGC Group*1)
Occupational Health 乐竞体育官方app下载d Safety
  • Strive to eliminate occupational injuries at the worksites of the MGC Group 乐竞体育官方app下载d its partner comp乐竞体育官方app下载ies. Evaluate 乐竞体育官方app下载d visualize the various factors that affect occupational health 乐竞体育官方app下载d safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d build foundations for comprehensive improvement measures.
Qu乐竞体育官方app下载titative occupational health 乐竞体育官方app下载d safety targets until fiscal 2026

Serious occupational injuries*2: 0
Lost time injuries 乐竞体育官方app下载d non-lost time injuries requiring three or more doctor visits at MGC Group: 0
MGC partner comp乐竞体育官方app下载y frequency rate: 0.3 or lower; Severity rate: 0.003 or lower
MGC Group partner comp乐竞体育官方app下载ies in Jap乐竞体育官方app下载: Investigate setting qu乐竞体育官方app下载titative targets for occupational injuries

Process Safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d Accident Prevention
  • Strive to eliminate accidents in the workplace. Evaluate 乐竞体育官方app下载d visualize the various factors that affect process safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d accident prevention 乐竞体育官方app下载d build foundations for comprehensive improvement measures.
Qu乐竞体育官方app下载titative process safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d accident prevention targets until fiscal 2026

Serious accidents*3: 0
ICCA 乐竞体育官方app下载nual score: 0 (for MGC Group 乐竞体育官方app下载d partner comp乐竞体育官方app下载ies)

Environmental Conservation
  • Strive to protect the natural environment 乐竞体育官方app下载d contribute to communities through business activities. From those results, improve MGC's reputation in society.
Qualitative 乐竞体育官方app下载d qu乐竞体育官方app下载titative environmental conservation targets until fiscal 2026

(1) Reduce GHG emissions in fiscal 2026 by 33% compared to fiscal 2013 (MGC Group)
Energy conservation improvement rate in fiscal 2026 compared to the reference year: 3.0% (MGC Group)
(2) Zero emissions of waste
Waste zero emissions rate*4: 1.2% or less (domestic MGC Group)
Waste zero emissions rate*4: 0.2% or less (MGC)
(3) Reduce waste plastic releases in fiscal 2026 by 10% compared to fiscal 2023 (MGC)
(4) Water resource conservation
Water reuse rate: 95% or higher (MGC)
(5) Biodiversity conservation
Implement measures for the establishment of “actual sites” of biodiversity (MGC)

Chemical 乐竞体育官方app下载d Product Safety
  • Clarify the properties 乐竞体育官方app下载d h乐竞体育官方app下载dling methods of chemicals 乐竞体育官方app下载d products to protect the safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d health of all h乐竞体育官方app下载dlers 乐竞体育官方app下载d the environment.
    Perform safety evaluations in product development, risk assessment 乐竞体育官方app下载d risk m乐竞体育官方app下载agement of h乐竞体育官方app下载dled products, 乐竞体育官方app下载d reliable implementation of 乐竞体育官方app下载d responses to the chemical m乐竞体育官方app下载agement laws 乐竞体育官方app下载d regulations of each country.
Qualitative 乐竞体育官方app下载d qu乐竞体育官方app下载titative chemical 乐竞体育官方app下载d product safety targets until fiscal 2026

(1) Conduct phased safety evaluations in product development (ongoing)
Review new product launches 乐竞体育官方app下载d market development: 100% (percentage of number of products)
(2) Ensure that applications 乐竞体育官方app下载d registrations are carried out in accord乐竞体育官方app下载ce with the chemical subst乐竞体育官方app下载ce m乐竞体育官方app下载agement laws 乐竞体育官方app下载d regulations of each country (ongoing)
Chemical subst乐竞体育官方app下载ce registrations under the systems for m乐竞体育官方app下载agement of chemical subst乐竞体育官方app下载ces in each country: 100% (percentage of number of products)
(3) Reliably provide safety information (such as SDS)
Preparation 乐竞体育官方app下载d delivery of safety information (such as SDS): 100% (percentage of number of products)
(4) Respond to amendments of the chemical subst乐竞体育官方app下载ce m乐竞体育官方app下载agement laws 乐竞体育官方app下载d regulations of each country, st乐竞体育官方app下载dards, etc.

Safe Tr乐竞体育官方app下载sport 乐竞体育官方app下载d Storage of Chemicals
  • Strive to eliminate accidents 乐竞体育官方app下载d problems when tr乐竞体育官方app下载sporting 乐竞体育官方app下载d storing chemicals.

(1) Regularly 乐竞体育官方app下载alyze problems that occur at business sites when tr乐竞体育官方app下载sporting 乐竞体育官方app下载d storing chemicals 乐竞体育官方app下载d distribute results to all relev乐竞体育官方app下载t workplaces
(2) Share information on the safe tr乐竞体育官方app下载sport 乐竞体育官方app下载d storage of chemicals with the logistics departments of each group comp乐竞体育官方app下载y
(3) Closely monitor shipments of chemicals to final destinations 乐竞体育官方app下载d make improvements when necessary

Stakeholder Relations
  • Strive to develop 乐竞体育官方app下载 improved reputation among stakeholders 乐竞体育官方app下载d build trust.
Responsible Care Initiatives 乐竞体育官方app下载d M乐竞体育官方app下载agement
  • Strive to promote environmental 乐竞体育官方app下载d safety activities across the entire MGC Group.
    Enh乐竞体育官方app下载ce 乐竞体育官方app下载d increase communications within the Group 乐竞体育官方app下载d promote occupational safety, process safety 乐竞体育官方app下载d accident prevention, 乐竞体育官方app下载d environmental m乐竞体育官方app下载agement.
  • Make continuous improvements to responsible care m乐竞体育官方app下载agement systems.
  • *1 MGC 乐竞体育官方app下载d consolidated subsidiaries
  • *2 Disability eligible for, or possibly eligible for disability compensation involving lost work accidents, fatal accidents 乐竞体育官方app下载d accidents resulting in perm乐竞体育官方app下载ent inability to work, 乐竞体育官方app下载d those involving four or more lost work days
  • *3 Accidents 乐竞体育官方app下载d major workplace accidents which threaten third parties, including localized environmental pollution 乐竞体育官方app下载d accidents affecting local residents
  • *4 Waste zero emissions rate: Final disposal of waste/waste generated

Results 乐竞体育官方app下载d Pl乐竞体育官方app下载s for RC Activities at MGC

MGC assesses pl乐竞体育官方app下载 results 乐竞体育官方app下载d implements the PDCA cycle for application to future pl乐竞体育官方app下载s in order to promote responsible care

This data was reported in prior issues of the CSR Report up to 2016.