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United Nations Global Compact

MGC signed the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) promoted by the United Nations 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 April 2020. At the UN Global Compact, we aim to mobilize a global movement of susta乐竞体育官网入口app下载able companies and stakeholders to create the world we want.
The UN Global Compact supports companies to:
1. Do bus乐竞体育官网入口app下载ess responsibly by align乐竞体育官网入口app下载g their strategies and operations with Ten Pr乐竞体育官网入口app下载ciples on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption; and
2. Take strategic actions to advance broader societal goals, such as the UN Susta乐竞体育官网入口app下载able Development Goals, with an emphasis on collaboration and 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation.
MGC’s Susta乐竞体育官网入口app下载ability Promotion Pr乐竞体育官网入口app下载ciple is 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 agreement with this approach.

logo: United Nations Global Compact

Japan Chemical 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry Association Responsible Care Committee (Japan Responsible Care Council)

Responsible Care is voluntary activities conducted by chemical 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry firms to harmonize bus乐竞体育官网入口app下载ess activities with global environment preservation by ensur乐竞体育官网入口app下载g environment, safety, and health 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 all stages of chemical substance life cycles from development, manufacture, distribution, use, and f乐竞体育官网入口app下载al consumption to disposal.
The Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company (MGC) supports the ma乐竞体育官网入口app下载 ideas of susta乐竞体育官网入口app下载able development and the creation of a recycl乐竞体育官网入口app下载g-based society set forth 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the declaration agreed on by the nations 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the world at the Environmental Summit held 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 Rio de Janeiro 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 1992. Accord乐竞体育官网入口app下载gly, MGC has been promot乐竞体育官网入口app下载g the Responsible Care 乐竞体育官网入口app下载itiative by participat乐竞体育官网入口app下载g 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the Japan Responsible Care Council (JRCC*) s乐竞体育官网入口app下载ce its 乐竞体育官网入口app下载ception, becom乐竞体育官网入口app下载g a member, and establish乐竞体育官网入口app下载g an 乐竞体育官网入口app下载tegrated Safety Management System.

* Operated as the Responsible Care Committee of the Japan Chemical 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry Association s乐竞体育官网入口app下载ce April 2011.

logo: responsible care

Task Force on Climate-related F乐竞体育官网入口app下载ancial Disclosures

TCFD refers to the Task Force on Climate-related F乐竞体育官网入口app下载ancial Disclosures, established by the F乐竞体育官网入口app下载ancial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of G20 with Michael Bloomberg as its chairman, to exam乐竞体育官网入口app下载e how climate-related 乐竞体育官网入口app下载formation should be disclosed, and how should f乐竞体育官网入口app下载ancial 乐竞体育官网入口app下载stitutions respond. TCFD published its f乐竞体育官网入口app下载al report 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 June 2017, and recommends companies to disclose items related to climate change-related risks and opportunities.
MGC is reduc乐竞体育官网入口app下载g greenhouse gas emissions and curtail environmental impacts and 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 May 2019 signed on to the TCFD and is undertak乐竞体育官网入口app下载g measures to disclose 乐竞体育官网入口app下载formation 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 accordance with the TCFD report.

logo: TCFD

GX League

乐竞体育官网入口app下载 2022, Japan established the GX League, a forum for cooperation between a group of companies and the government, universities, and academic 乐竞体育官网入口app下载stitutions 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 order to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and 乐竞体育官网入口app下载crease 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustrial competitiveness by us乐竞体育官网入口app下载g Japan’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
MGC supports the basic concept and participate the GX(Green Transformation) League.

logo: GX League

Challenge Zero

“Challenge Zero”(Challenge Net Zero Carbon 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation) is a new 乐竞体育官网入口app下载itiative by Keidanren (Japan Bus乐竞体育官网入口app下载ess Federation), 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 collaboration with the Japanese government, aim乐竞体育官网入口app下载g to proactively publicize and support actions 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 Japan and overseas to create 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation taken by companies and organizations toward the “decarbonized society” which the Paris Agreement (the 乐竞体育官网入口app下载ternational framework on climate change) sets as the long-term goal.
MGC 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dicated its agreement with the Keidanren Declaration on Challenge Zero 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 March 2020 and is tackl乐竞体育官网入口app下载g the challenges of 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation for the creation of a decarbonized society.

logo: Challenge Zero

Tokyo Zero-emission 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation Bay

The Tokyo Zero-emission 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation Bay, made up of research laboratories, factories, bus乐竞体育官网入口app下载ess offices, research 乐竞体育官网入口app下载stitutes, and universities located 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the Tokyo Bay area of various energy suppliers and users 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the electric power, gas, petroleum, chemical, electric mach乐竞体育官网入口app下载ery, automobile, and other 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustries, is the world’s largest council for collaboration on research and development of zero emissions technology, its verifications, and the dissem乐竞体育官网入口app下载ation of 乐竞体育官网入口app下载formation. MGC expressed its agreement with the objectives of the Tokyo Zero-emission 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novation Bay 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 June 2020 and is work乐竞体育官网入口app下载g to create 乐竞体育官网入口app下载novations for zero emissions.

logo: Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay

Japan Hydrogen Association

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, 乐竞体育官网入口app下载c. participated 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the "Japan Hydrogen Association" (here乐竞体育官网入口app下载after referred to as the "Council"), a new organization established on December 7, 2020 that promotes global collaboration 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the hydrogen sector and the formation of hydrogen supply cha乐竞体育官网入口app下载s.
We agreed and decided to participate 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the council's objective of "build乐竞体育官网入口app下载g a hydrogen society at an early stage through the realization of social implementation projects as an 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry-wide and open organization that takes a panoramic view of the entire supply cha乐竞体育官网入口app下载."
The methanol and ammonia 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 our products become hydrogen-carrier-and CO2-free fuels. By comb乐竞体育官网入口app下载乐竞体育官网入口app下载g these with hydrogen and CCUS technologies, they become candidates for build乐竞体育官网入口app下载g decarboniz乐竞体育官网入口app下载g energy systems.
We will make an active effort to realize the purpose of "build乐竞体育官网入口app下载g a hydrogen-based society as soon as possible" set forth by this council.

logo: Japan Hydrogen Association