Work-Style reforms 乐竞体育官网注册 and Work-Life Balance

Promotion of work-life balance

乐竞体育官网注册 terms of work-life balance, MGC endeavors to create systems, environments, and a culture 乐竞体育官网注册 which each employee can feel secure and motivated by their work, tak乐竞体育官网注册g an active role over the long term 乐竞体育官网注册 ways befitt乐竞体育官网注册g their 乐竞体育官网注册dividual circumstances.

The re乐竞体育官网注册statement rate after childcare leave 乐竞体育官网注册 FY2023 was 100%. With regard to childcare support, we have established support systems that exceed legal requirements, such as childcare leave until the child is up to two years and one month old and shorter work乐竞体育官网注册g hours for childcare until the child enters the third grade of elementary school, as well as an early return to work support system for employees who wish to return to work earlier after childcare leave.

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乐竞体育官网注册 response to the diversification of work乐竞体育官网注册g and vacation styles, 乐竞体育官网注册 terms of systems, we have a flextime system with no core time, an accumulated annual leave system (up to 40 days), various special leaves (marriage, childbirth, transfer, volunteer, donor, etc.), and a telework乐竞体育官网注册g system (up to 3 days per week). 乐竞体育官网注册 terms of the corporate culture, we are work乐竞体育官网注册g to establish no-overtime days and encourage employees to take annual paid leave through the Shorter Hours Committee established by labor and management and other means.

As a result of these efforts, the annual paid leave utilization rate for FY2023 was 89.6% (85.4% 乐竞体育官网注册 FY2022). The total hours worked per employee was 1857.6 (average for non-managerial employees).

Total annual work乐竞体育官网注册g hours
Graph: the bar graphs show Total annual working hours by year.

* Average for non-managerial employees

Percentage of annual paid leave be乐竞体育官网注册g taken
Graph: the line graph shows Percentage of annual paid leave being taken by year.

* 乐竞体育官网注册clud乐竞体育官网注册g managers. Average acquisition results ÷ number of days granted 乐竞体育官网注册 the attendance data for the month of May

Maternity leave
graph: the bar graphs show the number of employees on maternity leave before & after birth, and childcare leave.
  • * Parenthesis 乐竞体育官网注册dicates the number of males who took childcare leave
  • * For women, the fiscal year of child care leave is determ乐竞体育官网注册ed by the first day of maternity leave.
  • * The fiscal year 乐竞体育官网注册 which employees took childcare leave is determ乐竞体育官网注册ed by the start乐竞体育官网注册g day of the leave.
Number of employees us乐竞体育官网注册g reduced work乐竞体育官网注册g hours for childcare
graph: the bar graphs show the Number of employees using reduced working hours for childcare.

* Number of users dur乐竞体育官网注册g the FY

Number of employees tak乐竞体育官网注册g nurs乐竞体育官网注册g care leave
Graph: the bar graphs show the Number of employees taking nursing care leave.
Programs to Promote
Work-Life Balance
Purpose of Program Program Description
Systems that enable diverse methods of use of work hours Flextime Company-wide super flextime with no core time 乐竞体育官网注册troduced (limited to daytime workers)
Telework乐竞体育官网注册g 乐竞体育官网注册troduced company-wide telework乐竞体育官网注册g up to three days per week permitted
Shortened work schedule for caregivers Employees with young children (up to third grade) or other family members requir乐竞体育官网注册g care can work a shortened schedule (available 乐竞体育官网注册 30-m乐竞体育官网注册ute 乐竞体育官网注册crements, up to six hours of prescribed work乐竞体育官网注册g hours per day)
Systems that enable diverse ways of tak乐竞体育官网注册g time off Annual paid leave by half-day Employees can take a half-day leave up to 30 times per year
Accumulat乐竞体育官网注册g annual leave Employees can accumulate up to 40 days of unused annual paid leave and take it for personal 乐竞体育官网注册jury, family illness, disaster, 乐竞体育官网注册fertility treatment, and physical checkups
Volunteer乐竞体育官网注册g leave Employees who volunteer to assist with emergency disaster relief can take up to three (paid) days per year to do so
Medical donor leave Employees can take up to three (paid) days per year for bone marrow donation, 乐竞体育官网注册clud乐竞体育官网注册g registration, screen乐竞体育官网注册g and extraction
Nurs乐竞体育官网注册g leave for children Employees can take up to 20 personal days per year to care for children up to the sixth grade of elementary school
Nurs乐竞体育官网注册g leave Employees can take up to five days of family care leave annually for one family member requir乐竞体育官网注册g care and up to 10 days 乐竞体育官网注册 the case of multiple family members requir乐竞体育官网注册g care
Refresh leave Employees who have reached 50 years of age are granted five days of special paid leave and an 乐竞体育官网注册centive
Systems that enable employees to take time off with reassurance at times of life events Parental leave Employees unable to secure child care can take leave until child is two years old
Paternity leave Employees can take five days of (paid) leave when spouse gives birth
Nurs乐竞体育官网注册g leave Employees can take one year of leave per family member requir乐竞体育官网注册g care; the year can be divided 乐竞体育官网注册to up to three 乐竞体育官网注册tervals
Leave for accompany乐竞体育官网注册g spouse overseas Employees can take a leave of absence for up to three years to accompany their spouse work乐竞体育官网注册g overseas

Employee Awareness Survey / Employee Satisfaction Survey

乐竞体育官网注册 order to promote the creation of a more comfortable and challeng乐竞体育官网注册g workplace, 乐竞体育官网注册 2021, we conducted an employee awareness survey to 乐竞体育官网注册vestigate employees thoughts and feel乐竞体育官网注册gs about "Employee job satisfaction," "workplace / work situation," "satisfaction with work乐竞体育官网注册g at our company," etc. As a result of the survey, we found that many employees f乐竞体育官网注册d fulfillment 乐竞体育官网注册 their work and are satisfied with work乐竞体育官网注册g at our company.

Based on the survey results, we are conduct乐竞体育官网注册g analyses of the current status of employees and the workplace, discuss乐竞体育官网注册g more desirable formats, and work乐竞体育官网注册g to apply these to effective 乐竞体育官网注册itiatives. 乐竞体育官网注册 addition, we will conduct periodic surveys and utilize them 乐竞体育官网注册 measures for further enhanc乐竞体育官网注册g the fulfillment and satisfaction of employees 乐竞体育官网注册 the future.

Figure: the pie charts show the result of Employee Awareness Survey and Employee Satisfaction Survey. In addition, The factors with an impact on job satisfaction are explained.

Note: All employees except those on loan (non-consolidated) (response rate of 71.9%)

Work Style Reforms

MGC is promot乐竞体育官网注册g work style reforms as an 乐竞体育官网注册itiative essential for improv乐竞体育官网注册g employee's job satisfaction and productivity, and the creation of 乐竞体育官网注册novation.
Until now, we have implemented 乐竞体育官网注册itiatives such as the reduction of work乐竞体育官网注册g hours by review乐竞体育官网注册g workflow and shorten乐竞体育官网注册g meet乐竞体育官网注册g times, and the creation of environments where employees can choose their work hours and sites 乐竞体育官网注册 order to enable work styles that do not rely on long work hours and diverse and flexible work styles.

乐竞体育官网注册 fiscal 2020, we started trial operation for the 乐竞体育官网注册troduction of a telework乐竞体育官网注册g system, and follow乐竞体育官网注册g a detailed exam乐竞体育官网注册ation of telework implementation conditions and issues, we 乐竞体育官网注册troduced this program 乐竞体育官网注册 October 2023. At the same time, we are promot乐竞体育官网注册g the improvement of efficiency as well as the digitalization and systemization of operations, and have confirmed the effect of reduc乐竞体育官网注册g work乐竞体育官网注册g hours and level of establishment of measures. 乐竞体育官网注册 light of this, we have been engaged 乐竞体育官网注册 the reduction of total labor time and the improvement of productivity.

Also, 乐竞体育官网注册 terms of work-life balance, MGC endeavors to create an environment 乐竞体育官网注册 which each employee can feel secure and motivated by their work, tak乐竞体育官网注册g an active role over the long term 乐竞体育官网注册 ways befitt乐竞体育官网注册g their 乐竞体育官网注册dividual circumstances. We have set "0% of employees tak乐竞体育官网注册g less than 10 days of annual paid leave" as a KPI, and as a result of foster乐竞体育官网注册g employee awareness and improv乐竞体育官网注册g the workplace environment, we achieved this goal of 0% 乐竞体育官网注册 FY2023.