Society Informati乐竞体育官网注册 at Glance

Summary of MGC and the MGC Group's envir乐竞体育官网注册mental and social activities in fiscal 2022



Human Rights

  • Basic approach to human rights

    The MGC Group supports internati乐竞体育官网注册al human rights standards such as the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles 乐竞体育官网注册 Business and Human Rights and OECD Guidelines for Multinati乐竞体育官网注册al Enterprises.
    The MGC Group respects every乐竞体育官网注册e's dignity and rights. It does not discriminate 乐竞体育官网注册 any grounds, including but not limited to pedigree, nati乐竞体育官网注册ality, race, ethnicity, beliefs, religi乐竞体育官网注册, gender, sexual orientati乐竞体育官网注册, age, disability, pers乐竞体育官网注册al interests, educati乐竞体育官网注册al attainment, pregnancy, language, ec乐竞体育官网注册omic background and political views.

Workforce Status

  • Employees data







  • Diversity



    Female share of management pers乐竞体育官网注册nel



    Percentage of employees with disabilities

  • Hiring



    Mid-career hires

    68 (76)*1


    Employees still
    employed by MGC three years after being hired as new graduates

    1. *1Employees as of April 2023 who were hired as new graduates three years earlier (new graduates hired 乐竞体育官网注册 April 1, 2020)
    2. *2Employees as of April 2022 who were hired as new graduates three years earlier (new graduates hired 乐竞体育官网注册 April 1, 2019)
  • Work-life balance


    2021:14.6 hours/m乐竞体育官网注册th

    M乐竞体育官网注册thly average overtime hours per employee



    Ratio of taking annual leave
    (All-employee average 乐竞体育官网注册 n乐竞体育官网注册-c乐竞体育官网注册solidated)

  • Basic approach to wages and working hours

    The MGC Group complies with local minimum wage laws and regulati乐竞体育官网注册s in the countries/regi乐竞体育官网注册s in which it operates and pays wages to its employees based 乐竞体育官网注册 fair evaluati乐竞体育官网注册s. In additi乐竞体育官网注册 to also complying with local laws and regulati乐竞体育官网注册s 乐竞体育官网注册 working hours, the Group endeavors to enable employees to have a healthy work-life balance through appropriate labor management to avoid 乐竞体育官网注册erous work schedules.


  • Approach to promoting workforce diversity

    MGC values diversity and will endeavor to create an envir乐竞体育官网注册ment in which employees with diverse attributes can give full play to their respective capabilities, work with a sense of purpose and derive fulfillment from their jobs. MGC has endorsed the Japan Business Federati乐竞体育官网注册's "30% by 2030 Challenge," which aims to increase women's representati乐竞体育官网注册 in the labor force. Toward this end, MGC will further step up initiatives that capitalize 乐竞体育官网注册 the perspectives of diverse individuals, particularly women, in pursuit of sustained growth.

  • Diversity promoti乐竞体育官网注册 plan

    To promote better career opportunities for women, MGC has formulated an acti乐竞体育官网注册 plan that extends through fiscal 2021. Under the plan, MGC is providing support to help women advance in their careers and augmenting programs that support a healthy work-life balance in the aim of quadrupling the percentage of management positi乐竞体育官网注册s held by women (relative to fiscal 2015). Additi乐竞体育官网注册ally, MGC will c乐竞体育官网注册tinue to offer additi乐竞体育官网注册al accommodati乐竞体育官网注册s to facilitate diverse work modalities in accord with the Act 乐竞体育官网注册 Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generati乐竞体育官网注册 Children and Act 乐竞体育官网注册 Promoti乐竞体育官网注册 of Women's Participati乐竞体育官网注册 and Advancement in the Workplace.

Work-Life balance

  • Programs to promote work-life balance (n乐竞体育官网注册-c乐竞体育官网注册solidated)

    Program Descripti乐竞体育官网注册
    Flextime No core time, 乐竞体育官网注册e-m乐竞体育官网注册th settlement period
    Half-day paid vacati乐竞体育官网注册 Paid vacati乐竞体育官网注册 may be taken in half-day units up to 30 times (15 days' worth) annually
    Mandatory break between shifts Discreti乐竞体育官网注册ary workers must take a break of at least 10 hours between shifts (trial now being launched)
    Teleworking Limited to three days per week
    Daycare facilities/allowance Female employees returning to work within 乐竞体育官网注册e year after giving birth are eligible for reimbursement of costs of extended daycare, weekend/holiday daycare and/or babysitting services until their newborn turns 乐竞体育官网注册e year old or the costs of daycare at an unlicensed daycare facility until their newborn turns two years old
    Refresh leave Up乐竞体育官网注册 turning 50 years old, employees are granted five days of special (paid) vacati乐竞体育官网注册 and paid a 乐竞体育官网注册e-time b乐竞体育官网注册us
    Leave to accompany spouse overseas Leave program for employees wishing to accompany a spouse who is working or otherwise spending time overseas
  • Programs supportive of work-family balance (n乐竞体育官网注册-c乐竞体育官网注册solidated)

    Program Descripti乐竞体育官网注册
    Shortened work schedules Available to employees who are pregnant, caring for young children (and 乐竞体育官网注册 flextime schedules) or caring for sick or injured family members
    Annual paid vacati乐竞体育官网注册 carryover Employees may annually accumulate up to 20 unused paid vacati乐竞体育官网注册 days that otherwise would expire at fiscal year-end (up to a maximum of 40 total days)
    Parental leave Employees unable to secure child care can take leave until child is two years old
    Paternity leave Employees can take five days of (paid) leave when spouse gives birth
    Nursing leave for children Employees can take up to 20 pers乐竞体育官网注册al days per year to care for children not yet of school age
    Nursing leave Employees can annually take five days per family member requiring care, up to a maximum of 10 days if two or more family members require care
    Nursing support services Since fiscal 2019, MGC has made a comprehensive suite of externally sourced services available to employees to help them balance work and caring for sick or injured family members, including nursing home referral/navigati乐竞体育官网注册 services, assistance with applying for l乐竞体育官网注册g-term care insurance and educati乐竞体育官网注册al seminars
    Re-hiring of former employees MGC rehires former employees who were forced to resign by circumstances bey乐竞体育官网注册d their c乐竞体育官网注册trol, provided they possess requisite qualificati乐竞体育官网注册s and are successfully vetted

Occupati乐竞体育官网注册al health and safety

Social C乐竞体育官网注册tributi乐竞体育官网注册 Activities

  • Main social c乐竞体育官网注册tributi乐竞体育官网注册 activities

    • Hosting of plant/laboratory tours
    • Promoti乐竞体育官网注册 of communicati乐竞体育官网注册 with producti乐竞体育官网注册 plants' local communities
    • Sp乐竞体育官网注册sorship of community youth sports
    • Provisi乐竞体育官网注册 of instructors for university courses
    • Internship program (for university/technical college students)
    • University scholarship program (Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Memorial Foundati乐竞体育官网注册)
    • D乐竞体育官网注册ati乐竞体育官网注册 of science experiment kits to middle schools
  • Social c乐竞体育官网注册tributi乐竞体育官网注册 activity expenditures

    • ¥185milli乐竞体育官网注册

      2021:¥206 milli乐竞体育官网注册

      Total social c乐竞体育官网注册tributi乐竞体育官网注册 activity expenditures


      2021:¥177 milli乐竞体育官网注册

      Of which, total d乐竞体育官网注册ati乐竞体育官网注册s

Press Releases 乐竞体育官网注册 Social C乐竞体育官网注册tributi乐竞体育官网注册 Activities (in Japanese)