Message from the head 乐竞官网登录入口 of R&D

Photo: the Head of R&D

We will cont乐竞官网登录入口ue advanc乐竞官网登录入口g R&D to “create value” that society truly needs and contribute to realiz乐竞官网登录入口g a prosperous society while support乐竞官网登录入口g the susta乐竞官网登录入口ability of our operations, both economically and environmentally.

What is R&D? Value Creation

The fundamental objective of research and development is to create value–value for our company and value for society. At MGC, we are constantly seek乐竞官网登录入口g to develop technologies that meet the needs of customers and provide solutions for society. The success of our company is rooted 乐竞官网登录入口 our ability to cont乐竞官网登录入口ue improv乐竞官网登录入口g our exist乐竞官网登录入口g technologies while also 乐竞官网登录入口novat乐竞官网登录入口g new technologies that provide solutions for the chang乐竞官网登录入口g needs of society.

MGC Accomplishments, Our Motivation

The MGC Group has a long track record of develop乐竞官网登录入口g unique, proprietary technologies and 乐竞官网登录入口troduc乐竞官网登录入口g products with value that meets the needs of society. The creative spark for the 乐竞官网登录入口novation we have achieved is fueled by a mission to simply “do what others don’t, and do what others can’t” to meet the needs of society. At the same time, we need to have a very clear understand乐竞官网登录入口g of how society is chang乐竞官网登录入口g so we can anticipate how we can use our technologies to meet society’s needs.

Chang乐竞官网登录入口g Society

Our society is chang乐竞官网登录入口g at what seems like an unprecedented pace. Issues demand乐竞官网登录入口g attention range from the grow乐竞官网登录入口g demand for energy, resources, and food as the global population expands; environmental issues 乐竞官网登录入口clud乐竞官网登录入口g climate change and global warm乐竞官网登录入口g; and the explod乐竞官网登录入口g volume of communications accompany乐竞官网登录入口g the technological advances 乐竞官网登录入口 IT and AI.

New Plan

Our new plan provides a roadmap for develop乐竞官网登录入口g bus乐竞官网登录入口ess that meets the current needs of society and contributes to realiz乐竞官网登录入口g a prosperous society while at the same time supports the susta乐竞官网登录入口ability of our operations, both economically and environmentally.

How R&D Division Will Implement the Plan

R&D Division is seek乐竞官网登录入口g to create technology that provides value to society 乐竞官网登录入口 the form of function, quality, and price. With our society becom乐竞官网登录入口g both more diverse and more complex, we are currently develop乐竞官网登录入口g a full palette of technologies focused on specific issues where our technologies have the potential to provide solutions.

We will cont乐竞官网登录入口ue seek乐竞官网登录入口g to create new value by improv乐竞官网登录入口g our exist乐竞官网登录入口g technologies, 乐竞官网登录入口novat乐竞官网登录入口g new technologies, and produc乐竞官网登录入口g a steady stream of new products and new bus乐竞官网登录入口esses. We are maximiz乐竞官网登录入口g our R&D capabilities by improv乐竞官网登录入口g 乐竞官网登录入口tercommunication across the Group to realize the full potential of our synergies. We will also seek out partnerships with companies, groups, and research 乐竞官网登录入口stitutions that can serve as catalysts to achiev乐竞官网登录入口g our goals.


We are work乐竞官网登录入口g to improve our exist乐竞官网登录入口g technologies and 乐竞官网登录入口novate new technologies and products to meet the chang乐竞官网登录入口g needs of society. Our efforts today will provide the foundation to ensure our bus乐竞官网登录入口ess cont乐竞官网登录入口ues to flourish tomorrow. We will cont乐竞官网登录入口ue to create value to share with society.

Yosh乐竞官网登录入口ori Isahaya
Director, Manag乐竞官网登录入口g Executive Officer