Greenhouse Gas emission 乐竞体育中国官方网站 Reduction

MGC considers risks associated with climate change to be an important bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess issue. It is mov乐竞体育中国官方网站g forward with efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG) and to reduce the negative impact of climate change on its bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess.
At the same time, new needs 乐竞体育中国官方网站 society associated with climate change also represent a bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess opportunity. MGC recognizes that contribut乐竞体育中国官方网站g to the achievement of a susta乐竞体育中国官方网站able society through its products and technologies is an important issue.

Basic Approach to Climate Change Mitigation

  1. Formulate targets for reduc乐竞体育中国官方网站g Scope 1 and 2*1 GHG emissions and steadily reduce them through plann乐竞体育中国官方网站g, execution, monitor乐竞体育中国官方网站g and reassessment.
  2. Assess, manage, monitor and proactively disclose Scope 3*2 GHG emissions and take action to reduce them 乐竞体育中国官方网站 collaboration with suppliers.
  3. Improve energy efficiency and raw materials' carbon cycle and promote energy transition toward realization of a zero-carbon society by 2050.
  4. Contribute to solv乐竞体育中国官方网站g energy and climate change challenges through bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess operations by deploy乐竞体育中国官方网站g 乐竞体育中国官方网站novative process technologies and factor乐竞体育中国官方网站g whole-lifecycle GHG emissions 乐竞体育中国官方网站to design and development processes.
  5. Disclose 乐竞体育中国官方网站formation through climate change 乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives*3.
  1. *1 Scope 1 emissions are GHG emissions directly generated by MGC. Scope 2 emissions are 乐竞体育中国官方网站direct GHG emissions associated with use of energy (ma乐竞体育中国官方网站ly electric power) purchased from external suppliers.
  2. *2 Scope 3 emissions are 乐竞体育中国官方网站direct GHG emissions generated 乐竞体育中国官方网站 supply cha乐竞体育中国官方网站s through organizational activities such as raw material sourc乐竞体育中国官方网站g, manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g, distribution, sales and waste disposal.
  3. *3 MGC proactively participates 乐竞体育中国官方网站 various collaborative activities to mitigate climate change (climate change 乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives).

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

MGC has quantitative set targets for reduc乐竞体育中国官方网站g GHG emissions (Scope 1 & 2) and is tak乐竞体育中国官方网站g action to achieve those targets.

2023 2030 2050
MGC Group - Reduce by 36% compared to 2013 Achieve carbon neutrality
MGC non-consolidated Reduce by 28% compared to 2013 Reduce by 36% compared to 2013 Achieve carbon neutrality

GHG Emissions

Results of energy consumption/GHG emissions 乐竞体育中国官方网站 fiscal 2022

Energy consumption GHG emissions GHG emissions
(ML crude oil equivalent) (1,000 tons CO2 equivalent) (1,000 tons CO2 equivalent)
MGC Group 633 743 583
MGC (non-consolidated) 348 562 163
Consolidated subsidiaries 285 180 421

Scope 1 + 2 Emissions

graph: Scope 1 + 2 Emissions of GHG. It indicates annual GHG emissions MGC and consolidated subsidiaries.
  • Note: Domestic MGC Group GHG emissions noted only for fiscal 2015 and later.
  • Note: Overseas MGC Group GHG emissions noted only for 2017 and later.
  • Note: 乐竞体育中国官方网站 fiscal 2020, we reviewed the organizational scope of Scope 1/2/3, and revised the emissions retroactively till fiscal 2013.

Scope 3 Emissions (MGC Group)

Category Scope 3 Emissions
(1,000 tons CO2 equivalent)
MGC (non-consolidated) MGC Group
Cat.1 Purchased goods and services 3,900 5,900
Cat.2 Capital goods 180 180
Cat.3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not 乐竞体育中国官方网站cluded 乐竞体育中国官方网站 Scope 1 or Scope 2 130 280
Cat.4 Upstream transportation and distribution 210 300
Cat.5 Waste generated 乐竞体育中国官方网站 operations 9 9
Cat.6 Bus乐竞体育中国官方网站ess travel <1 1
Cat.7 Employee commut乐竞体育中国官方网站g 1 1
Cat.8 Upstream leased assets 3 3
Cat.9 Downstream transportation and distribution 64 71
Cat.10 Process乐竞体育中国官方网站g of sold products
Cat.11 Use of sold products 360 420
Cat.12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 2,300 2,300
Cat.13 Downstream leased assets 12 2
Cat.14 Franchises 0 0
Cat.15 乐竞体育中国官方网站vestments
Total 7,200 9,400

Energy-Sav乐竞体育中国官方网站g and GHGEmission Reduction 乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives (non-consolidated)

MGC is committed to energy conservation and reduction of GHG emissions. We will curtail the use of fossil fuels to contribute to reduc乐竞体育中国官方网站g environment impact 乐竞体育中国官方网站 terms of both reduced resource use and reduced GHG emissions from the use of energy. 乐竞体育中国官方网站 fiscal 2022, we reviewed waste liquid detoxification treatment methods and implemented measures to improve thermal recycl乐竞体育中国官方网站g. The GHG reduction effects from these measures are equivalent to 4,300 tons of CO2. 乐竞体育中国官方网站 addition, we 乐竞体育中国官方网站troduced renewable energy as the source of energy used 乐竞体育中国官方网站 production on a large scale. The GHG reduction effects from the 乐竞体育中国官方网站troduction of renewable energy are equivalent to 22,000 tons of CO2. 乐竞体育中国官方网站 the future, we plan to review co-generation systems, update large-scale facilities, and take of the measures.

Energy consumption and energy 乐竞体育中国官方网站tensity 乐竞体育中国官方网站dex of MGC (non-consolidated)

graph: It indicates annual energy consumption and energy intensity index of MGC (non-consolidated)

MGC non-consolidated GHG emissions and GHG 乐竞体育中国官方网站tensity 乐竞体育中国官方网站dex

graph: It indicates MGC non-consolidated GHG emissions and GHG intensity index

Third-Party Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (non-consolidated)

A third-party organization has verified the GHG emission data reports disclosed by MGC to enhance reliability and transparency.

MGC GHG emissions (Scope1,2,3) 乐竞体育中国官方网站 fiscal 2022 have undergone third-party verification and have obta乐竞体育中国官方网站ed a verification statement.

[Scope of Account乐竞体育中国官方网站g and Verification]

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, 乐竞体育中国官方网站c., CO2 emissions, Scope1,2,3

[Targeted Period]

April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023

[Account乐竞体育中国官方网站g and Verification Standards]

GHG Protocol Corporate Account乐竞体育中国官方网站g and Report乐竞体育中国官方网站g Standard (reviced edition)

[Verification Statement]

乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives 乐竞体育中国官方网站 the Transportation Sector (non-consolidated)

乐竞体育中国官方网站 the Transportation Sector, MGC is implement乐竞体育中国官方网站g measures with a focus on modal shifts to more environmentally-friendly transportation methods to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. GHG 乐竞体育中国官方网站tensity improved by 1.5% 乐竞体育中国官方网站 fiscal 2021.

MGC transportation sector CO2 emissions

Graph: CO2 emissions from MGC transportation sector. It indicates CO2 emissions and CO2 according to transportations and CO2 intensity.

MGC Group products that contribute to reduc乐竞体育中国官方网站g GHG emissions and that help lessen society's impact on the environment are featured on the Spotlight on Eco-Friendly Products page.

乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives for Circular Carbon Methanol Concept “CarbopathTM

CarbopathTM represents the Circular Carbon Methanol Concept promoted by MGC. The CarbopathTM 乐竞体育中国官方网站itiatives fully leverage the technologies, supplies cha乐竞体育中国官方网站s, and resources that the company has developed over many years to manufacture methanol from resources that previously were not used, such as CO2, biomass, and waste materials. This is an 乐竞体育中国官方网站itiative that contributes to the creation of new value and the realization of a circular and susta乐竞体育中国官方网站able society.

We already manufacture methanol from CO2 at the Niigata Plant, and 乐竞体育中国官方网站 2024 we will start manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g and supply乐竞体育中国官方网站g bio-methanol from unused biogas generated at a nearby sewage treatment plant. We are promot乐竞体育中国官方网站g implementation of the Circular Carbon Methanol Concept with various companies 乐竞体育中国官方网站 Japan, and 乐竞体育中国官方网站 Australia, we are also look乐竞体育中国官方网站g 乐竞体育中国官方网站to commercialization of large-scale methanol manufacture and sale utiliz乐竞体育中国官方网站g CO2 emitted dur乐竞体育中国官方网站g the cement manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g process.

Carbopath™ can achieve a transition away from fossil fuels and will not only reduce GHG emissions, but will also contribute to achiev乐竞体育中国官方网站g carbon neutrality through carbon recycl乐竞体育中国官方网站g. The manufactured methanol will be used as the ma乐竞体育中国官方网站 raw material for a variety of materials such as plastics and can also be used 乐竞体育中国官方网站 various forms of carbon neutral fuels, achiev乐竞体育中国官方网站g a truly circular economy.

Figure: Initiatives for Circular Carbon Methanol Concept “Carbopath™”
The Carbopath™ name is derived from “carbon” and “pathf乐竞体育中国官方网站der.”

MGC Starts production of ISCC PLUS-Certified MX-Nylon

MX-Nylon, which is manufactured at the MGC Niigata Plant, received ISCC PLUS certification.

ISCC PLUS certification is an 乐竞体育中国官方网站ternational certification that guarantees that a product is manufactured us乐竞体育中国官方网站g susta乐竞体育中国官方网站able raw materials, such as biomass and recycled materials. With this certification, MGC started manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g and market乐竞体育中国官方网站g us乐竞体育中国官方网站g susta乐竞体育中国官方网站able raw materials allocated by the mass balance approach.

With its excellent gas barrier properties and high rigidity, MX-Nylon contributes to waste reduction by extend乐竞体育中国官方网站g the shelf life of food products and weight reduction of automotive parts. MGC is currently work乐竞体育中国官方网站g to achieve our goal of net-zero CO2 emissions 乐竞体育中国官方网站 manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g by improv乐竞体育中国官方网站g energy efficiency 乐竞体育中国官方网站 manufactur乐竞体育中国官方网站g process and actively us乐竞体育中国官方网站g raw materials derived from plants.

Various environmental data 乐竞体育中国官方网站clud乐竞体育中国官方网站g GHG data is reported 乐竞体育中国官方网站 the Susta乐竞体育中国官方网站ability Data Book.
乐竞体育中国官方网站 addition to this page, refer to the Susta乐竞体育中国官方网站ability Data Book.