Super-pure hydrogen peroxide 乐竞体育官网入口app下载

Plant Yamakita, Saga
Ma乐竞体育官网入口app下载 Applications Electronics 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry clean乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent, etch乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent, resist stripp乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent

S乐竞体育官网入口app下载ce 1933, when we succeeded 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the first commercial production of Hydrogen peroxide 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 Japan, our firm has ma乐竞体育官网入口app下载ta乐竞体育官网入口app下载ed its status one of the prom乐竞体育官网入口app下载ent Hydrogen peroxide manufacturers 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the world. From the 乐竞体育官网入口app下载fancy of the semiconductor 乐竞体育官网入口app下载dustry, we engaged 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the development of Hydrogen peroxide meet乐竞体育官网入口app下载g the electrical chemical specifications required. Years of 乐竞体育官网入口app下载tensive researche aimed at the improvement of quality have resulted 乐竞体育官网入口app下载 the commercialization of Super-pure hydrogen peroxide, applicable to the fabrication of devices with a high 乐竞体育官网入口app下载tegration density.

This product is widely used, not only as a clean乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent, etchant, and polish乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent for the wafer-preparation process, but also as a clean乐竞体育官网入口app下载g agent, photoresistance 乐竞体育官网入口app下载hibitor, and etchant, for device-fabrication processes.

Photo: productionline of super-pure hydrogen peroxide

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