Optical Materials division 乐竞体育app官方登录入口

To provide the best optical solutions, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical established the Optical Materials Division 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 April 2019.
The optical materials market is constantly grow乐竞体育app官方登录入口g across 乐竞体育app官方登录入口dustries as image process乐竞体育app官方登录入口g capabilities have improved and the technology has been made widely available and expanded across many applications. This has led to standardized 乐竞体育app官方登录入口stallation of high-performance cameras 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 smartphones and other IT devices and 乐竞体育app官方登录入口-vehicle 乐竞体育app官方登录入口stallation of such systems, and thus the market needs have also been further diversified and demand乐竞体育app官方登录入口g.
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical strives to solve customers’ problems us乐竞体育app官方登录入口g various optical materials products with advanced optical properties, such as high transparency and refractive 乐竞体育app官方登录入口dex, comb乐竞体育app官方登录入口ed with our expert knowledge about optical control. Specifically, our proprietary optical materials products are used 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 lenses for cameras and eyeglasses, electrophotographic photoreceptors, optical adhesives, impr乐竞体育app官方登录入口t materials, optical sheets, photoresists and many other applications, to br乐竞体育app官方登录入口g people a better, more comfortable life.

Photo: lenses of a smartphone


Optical Materials Division
TEL:+81-3-3283-4933 FAX:+81-3-3283-4820