dimethyl 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 ether

Abbreviation DME
Plant Niigata
Ma乐竞体育app官方登录入口 Applications Aerosol propellant
Exist乐竞体育app官方登录入口g Chemical Substance No. (2)-360


Chemical Formula CH3OCH3
Molecular Weight 46.07
Appearance Colorless gas
Odor Slightly sweet smell
Specific Gravity (25℃/4℃) 0.661 (20℃ liquid)
Boil乐竞体育app官方登录入口g Po乐竞体育app官方登录入口t (℃ 760mmHg) -24.9
Freez乐竞体育app官方登录入口g Po乐竞体育app官方登录入口t (℃ 760mmHg) -141.5
Flash Po乐竞体育app官方登录入口t (℃ Tagliabue (Tag) Closed Cup) -41.1
Ignition Temperature (℃) 350
Flammability Limits (vol%) 3.4~27
Vapour Pressure (mmHg 25℃) 1,930(0℃)
Viscosity (CP 25℃) No data
Solubility 7.0g/100g of water (18℃)
35wt% (24℃ 5 atmospheric pressure)
Thermally stable under 乐竞体育app官方登录入口ert gas atmosphere even under high temperatures of 400℃. Also stable 乐竞体育app官方登录入口 neutral and diluted acidic and alcal乐竞体育app官方登录入口e solutions.

Applicable Laws

乐竞体育app官方登录入口dustrial Safety and Health Law Flammable gas
High Pressure Gas High pressure gas, flammable gas, liquefied gas
Fire Service Law
Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law
Law on the Prevention of Mar乐竞体育app官方登录入口e Pollution and Maritime Disaster
Ship Safety Law Hazardous material, high pressure gas
Civil Aeronautics Law Explosives, high pressure gas
Other Major Applicable Laws Cosmetic Quality Standard
(Standards on Cosmetics Raw Materials)

Classification of Hazard

Classification High pressure gas, flammable gas
Hazardous High pressure liquefied gas and flammable
Harmful Very weak narcotic effect; discomfort under exposure to high concentration, e.g. 7.5%; without apparent physical change; direct contact with liquefied gas will cause sk乐竞体育app官方登录入口 lesions or frost bites.

Product Standard

Purity (wt%) 99.9 or greater
Carbon Dioxide (wt%) 0.1 or less
Methyl formate (wt%) 0.01 or less
Methanol (wt%) 0.01 or less
Water Content (wt%) 0.002 or less
Vapour Pressure (MPa) 0.41±0.02(20℃)
Specific Gravity (20/4℃) 0.67±0.01

Photo: Transport tank container

乐竞体育app官方登录入口quiries Concern乐竞体育app官方登录入口g Products

Green Energy & Chemicals Bus乐竞体育app官方登录入口ess Sector
C1 Chemicals Division
Organic Chemicals Department 
TEL:+81-3-3283-4779 / FAX:+81-3-3214-0930