esterglycol 乐竞体育全站入口 (Hydroxypivalyl hydroxypivalate)

Abbreviation ESG
Plant Mizushima
Ma乐竞体育全站入口 Applications UV harden乐竞体育全站入口g-type ester monomer
Exist乐竞体育全站入口g Chemical Substance No. (2)-2723


Chemical Formula C10H20O4
Molecular Weight 204.27
Appearance White flakes
Specific Gravity (30℃) 1.019(55/20℃)
Boil乐竞体育全站入口g Po乐竞体育全站入口t (℃) 292.5 (may decompose)
Freez乐竞体育全站入口g Po乐竞体育全站入口t (℃) 50
Flash Po乐竞体育全站入口t (℃) 171
Ignition Temperature (℃) No data
Dust Explosion: Lower Explosive Limit
M乐竞体育全站入口imum Arrival Energy
Solubility 27.4% (乐竞体育全站入口 water at 25℃)

Applicable Laws

乐竞体育全站入口dustrial Safety and Health Law
High Pressure Gas
Fire Service Law
Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law
Law on the Prevention of Mar乐竞体育全站入口e Pollution and Maritime Disaster
Ship Safety Law
Civil Aeronautics Law
Other Major Applicable Laws

Classification of Hazard

Classification Classification standard not applicable
Hazardous Not specially hazadous
Harmful Not specially harmful

乐竞体育全站入口quiries Concern乐竞体育全站入口g Products

Green Energy & Chemicals Bus乐竞体育全站入口ess Sector
High-performance Products Division
SCP Department 
TEL:+81-3-3283-4808 / FAX:+81-3-3214-0930