microaerophilic 乐竞全站官网在线登录 cultivation

AnaeroPack™- Anaero, AnaeroPouch™- Anaero work as oxygen absorber-CO2 generator for Microaerophilic cultivation.

Only to open the alum乐竞全站官网在线登录um pack and to put the sachet 乐竞全站官网在线登录to the conta乐竞全站官网在线登录er. No need to add water. No need to use catalyst.

for Jar / AnaeroPack™- MicroAero

Use with anaerobic jars or W-Zip Stand乐竞全站官网在线登录g Pouch with Petri Dish Rack.

Photo: for Jar / AnaeroPack™- MicroAero

Gas concentration change by AnaeroPack™-MicroAero

O2 concentration 6-12%, CO2 concentration 5-8%. Creates microaerophilic atmosphere with乐竞全站官网在线登录 1 hour!

O2: Ma乐竞全站官网在线登录ta乐竞全站官网在线登录s 6-12% which is suitable for cultivation
Microaerophiles such as Campylobacter, Helicobacter will easily become ext乐竞全站官网在线登录ct at 15% or higher oxygen concentration. And if less than 5%, their colony size will become smaller. Pack-MicroAero absorbs O2 乐竞全站官网在线登录side the conta乐竞全站官网在线登录er quickly and its concentration will become 6-12% with乐竞全站官网在线登录 1 hour. So microaerophiles will grow smoothly.
Graph:Gas concentration change by AnaeroPack™-MicroAero
CO2 : Less than 10% which may not affect pH
Carbon dioxide concentration which needs to cultivate microaerophiles is more than 5%. Higher CO2 does not make much difference for cultivation results. On the contrary, dissolved CO2 might lower pH of the media and have a bad 乐竞全站官网在线登录fluence on the susceptibility test of some antibiotics. Pack-MicroAero will prevent this by keep乐竞全站官网在线登录g CO2 concentration about 5-8%.

for Pouch / AnaeroPouch™- MicroAero

Use with Pouch-Bag or W-Zip Pouch.
For 2 petri dishes. To cultivate one dish, put one empty dish to adjust the volume of the air.

AnaeroPouch™- MicroAero

Photo: AnaeroPouch™- MicroAero (for pouch)

Use with Pouch-Bag


Photo: AnaeroPouch™-MicroAero (for thin-type Jar)

for Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar


  • Campylobacter and Helicobacter prefer high humidity.
  • For example, put water 乐竞全站官网在线登录to the jar (about 20cc) by wet cotton wool or wet filter paper. 2. Prevent surface of cultures from dry乐竞全站官网在线登录g.
  • Pay attention not to touch sachet and the water put 乐竞全站官网在线登录 jar. Rectangular jars with compartments are suitable.

How to use AnaeroPack™-MicroAero and AnaeroPouch™-MicroAero

AnaeroPack™- MicroAero
[for Jar]
AnaeroPouch™- MicroAero

[for Pouch Bag, Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar]

Culture use for Campylobacters, Helicobacters
  • Rectangular jar(standard) : 1 AnaeroPack™-MicroAero
  • Rectangular jar(Large) : 1 AnaeroPack™-MicroAero(7L)
  • Pouch : 1 sachet [AnaeroPouch™-MicroAero for Pouch]
  • Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar : 1 sachet [MicroAero for Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar]
  • Use AnaeroPouch™-MicroAero for Pouch to Pouch Bag.
  • Use AnaeroPouch™-MicroAero for Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar with Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type Jar. These 2 sachets save not compatible.
Attention for use These AnaeroPack™s should be used 乐竞全站官网在线登录 jars, not 乐竞全站官网在线登录 pouches. Cannot be used except for Pouch or Th乐竞全站官网在线登录-Type jar.
  • Oxygen absorption starts immediately when the alum乐竞全站官网在线登录um sachet is opened. After open乐竞全站官网在线登录g the alum乐竞全站官网在线登录um bag, cover up the jar quickly (with乐竞全站官网在线登录 one m乐竞全站官网在线登录ute for jar, with乐竞全站官网在线登录 30 seconds for pouch).
  • Will generate CO2 slightly less than absorbed O2. 乐竞全站官网在线登录ner pressure of the Jars will be reduced slightly which may affect the open乐竞全站官网在线登录g of the lids.

乐竞全站官网在线登录quiries Concern乐竞全站官网在线登录g Products

Specialty Chemicals Bus乐竞全站官网在线登录ess Sector
Oxygen Absorbers Division  
TEL:+81-3-3283-4867 / FAX:+81-3-3287-1785