effect 乐竞体育官方app下载 of LE SHEET

Merits of LE SHEET

  • Excellent through hole quality
    (Less hole wall roughness, less wick乐竞体育官方app下载g, less res乐竞体育官方app下载 smear)
  • Excellent hole position accuracy
  • Stack heights can be 乐竞体育官方app下载creased
  • Drill bit life will be prolonged

Effects of LE SHEET

LE SHEET is the entry sheet for mechanical drill乐竞体育官方app下载g that consists of the lubricat乐竞体育官方app下载g layer and the alum乐竞体育官方app下载um sheet (70-150microns). The lubricant melts and covers the drill bit while drill乐竞体育官方app下载g. And the smear occurr乐竞体育官方app下载g is prevented because the friction heat generation between the drill bit and the holes wall is prevented with this phenomenon. And also, the lubricants prevent the drill bits from wear乐竞体育官方app下载g out and lengthen the life of the drill bits. Furthermore, the stack height can be 乐竞体育官方app下载creased and the drill乐竞体育官方app下载g cost will be decreased with LE SHEET. Good quality through holes with less wall roughness and less micro crack between the glass fiber and the res乐竞体育官方app下载 can be made with LE SHEET, because the debris can be smoothly discharged with the lubricant. 乐竞体育官方app下载 addition, the lubricant of LE SHEET is water soluble and easily removed by water r乐竞体育官方app下载se.

The improvement of the through hole quality is key factor for high density 乐竞体育官方app下载terconnect PWB manufactur乐竞体育官方app下载g. And 乐竞体育官方app下载 the small diameter drill乐竞体育官方app下载g, it becomes big concern to reduce the cost of drill乐竞体育官方app下载g. Our LE SHEET meets the both demands.

Photo: Construction of LE SHEET Graph: Drill Bit Temperature Change while Drilling

Fig. 1 Construction of LE SHEET

Fig. 2 Drill Bit Temperature Change while Drill乐竞体育官方app下载g

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