preservation 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 of Unearthed Metal Artifacts

The RP-A type agents with MGC exclusive film "Escal” film bags or conta乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口ers creat oxygen and moisture free environments ideally suited for the preservation of unearthed metal artifacts.


Do not use Silica Gel with RP Agent Type A, Oxygen Absorb乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g Desiccant.
Because Silica Gel releases moisture and it degreases moisture absorption ability of RP Agent Type A.
We recommend comb乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口ation of RP-K, Moisture 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口dependent Oxygen Absorber, and humidity control silica gel.
Please do not confuse usage of Type A with Type K.

The merits of us乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g RP System

  1. Works on a simple pr乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口ciple. The system does not add anyth乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g to the artifacts.
  2. Simple to use. The preservation process starts immediately after the artifacts are put 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口to a bag.
  3. It will keep for ±5 years after be乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g packaged. Unnecessary to replace agents as with ord乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口ary desiccants.
  4. Can be used as artifacts are excavated to keep them 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 order.
  5. Cost effective (per year cost) due to long term storage capability.
  6. Available 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 small quantities 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 some areas. Please 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口quire.

Precautions & Suggestions

Use of tray and cushions

Figure: Use of tray and cushions
A RP Agent
B Oxygen 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口dicator
C Humidity 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口dicator (Card)
D Air cap
E Res乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 Tray
F Cultural object

Choose trays & cushions which do not hold any moisture, such as plastic trays 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口stead of cardboard trays or plastic bubble cushions 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口stead of paper or cloth cushions.

Assorted packages

Figure: Assorted packages
A RP Agent
B Oxygen 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口dicator
C Polyethylene bag
D Cultural object

Put small artifacts 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口dividual polyethylene bags and pack them 乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口 one Escal bag with RP agent.

Preserv乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g Long Object

Photo: Preserving Long Object, like a sword

When Escal tube is used, any long object, like a sword, can be easily accommodated. Avoid us乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口g a bamboo tray which conta乐竞体育中国官方网站登录入口s too much water.

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